So what about you?

It's so important with any personal working relationship, especially life coaching that there is a fit between us. I like to think that the people I work with would enjoy spending time with me whether we were working together or not. That's why I start with a complementary assessment session. This helps us decide whether we will likely work well together. I say "us" because this is a 2 way process.  I need to be right for you and you for me.

Unlike therapy, life coaching is much more about developing you as a person.  Being the best version of you.  It is not about "fixing" you.  It is more about understanding yourself and becoming a better version.  This is particularly true of ADHD coaching where you have likely felt or been told that you do things the wrong way or perhaps that you are a failure.  Clients often speak to me about feeling that they can rarely do things "right".

To work through that, my style is direct and will challenge a lot of that thinking.  Of course, there is a level of understanding and empathy but that only gets us so far. To develop and grow you need someone who can push you, call out your BS and hold you to account.  I often work with people, whether with ADHD or not, who have strong personalities and for that reason  I will be brutally honest as I am here to help you towards you goals, and this means pushing you.

To develop and grow people need to be pushed to be the best they can.  The goals are limitless if you want them to be but often this a tough process. With ADHD there are plenty of obstacles that hold us back when we don't understand them. This just means doing things differently and not just what you think, our have been told, is the right way. I want to work with people who want to make positive change. Often people have already achieved a lot and feel stuck or have lost direction. This is the perfect time for a coach to stand beside you and work through this together. You may have just had a diagnosis later in life and you don't know what this means for you. What better time to re-evaluate your goals?

For some people this approach may not be appropriate. For some a therapeutic approach may be more helpful for them.  I am always more than happy to assist in finding appropriate assistance and have worked with a number of therapists who I have referral potential clients to in the past.

So if you feel like you are leading a life where you are underachieving or that you need some help to move on to the next stage in your life, then maybe it is time for a coach to help you.  Are you up for the challenge?
